Comrades at Arms - Southwestern Front
(World War I)

“Tradition is not to preserve the ashes but to pass on the flame” (Gustav Mahler et al.) and...
"Tradition and Comradeship are two sides of one and the same coin. They belong together!"


The following articles are taken from the commemorative publication of the Military Command of Salzburg (1963-2013). They depict the former and present significance of the army units mentioned below.
(Published by: BMLVS (2O13); Editor: MilKdo S; Austrian Armed Forces Printing Centre Vienna (Heeresdruckzentrum); re-printing authorised)


»The Rainerbund Association - for many years a partner of the Military Command of Salzburg


Feldkanonenregiment Nr. 41" (field artillery regiment no. 41), k.k. Freiwillige Schuetzen-Battaillon Salzburg" (voluntary infantry batalion of Salzburg"), "IR "Erzherzog Rainer" No. 59 " (infantry regiment "Archduke Rainer" No. 59) as well as the so-called "Kaiserschuetzen" regiments have fought and suffered together on various fronts, such as in the Carpathians in the east, the Carnic Alps and the Dolomites in the south, as well as during the Isonzo battles.

In memory of this common past and also considering the above quotations, the successor associations of the regiments mentioned - such as the "Rainerbund Salzburg", "Artilleristenbund", "Ehemalige k.k. Freiwilligen Schuetzen Salzburg" and "Kaiserschuetzen Salzburg" - intend to continue, strengthen, and solidify their traditional relationship and comeradeship by presenting themselves together within the homepage of the Rainerbund of Salzburg.


»Der Artilleristenbund und das Militaerkommando Salzburq

»Ehemalige k.k. Freiwillige Schuetzen Salzburg

»Kaiserschuetzen Salzburg